(Русский) Выпускники, ученые, студенты, сотрудники, абитуриенты, почетные гости и гости парка
(Русский) НИТУ "МИСиС"
(Русский) ПКиО им. Горького (Россия, г. Москва) 15 сентября 2018 года
(Русский) Более 7 000 человек
To fully organize a grand celebration of the 100th anniversary of Moscow State Mining University which gave a start to NUST MISiS, to conduct a communicational campaign in social media, to achieve the following goals:
On September 15, 2018 alumni, scientists, students, employees, applicants and distinguished guests gathered in Gorky Park, Moscow to celebrate the 100th anniversary of their alma mater together. Celebration attendees were in for a rich show program, performances from artistic groups, many of which came from various regions of the country, surprises, presents and, of course, meet ups with old and new friends. Alleys and squares in Gorky Park were full with interactive zones and entertainment for the guests:
There was also staged a march of more than 1500 students from the three MSMU successor-universities along the Pushkin waterfront with the finish line at the main stage. There was a platform at the stage for the distinguished guests to greet the march participants. The grand finale of the event was a concert with performances of famous music bands Moralniy Kodeks and Pizza, DJs S-Brother-S as well as groups from different parts of the country that came to congratulate their alma mater with its anniversary.