(Русский) Представители департаментов цифровизации, новых технологий, перспективных проектов, руководители и специалисты по продажам, управлению финансами, маркетологи, молодые предприниматели
(Русский) Oracle
(Русский) Digital October (г. Москва) 11 сентября 2018 г.
(Русский) Более 1500 человек (1/3 из которых - онлайн)
To organize the first Innovative Oracle IMPACT Forum for the Oracle corporation in Russia.
The new format of the Oracle forum led us to choose the most suitable and modern space of Digital October (Moscow), we built and branded an interactive area and rooms for business events, we set up a system for online registration and receiving name tags, we prepared designs and polygraphy, organized food service for all participants as well as simultaneous translation, technical equipment for all areas, time-lapse and photo and video support.
All of the above resulted in fruitful discussions of all necessary questions and challenges that the new generation faces — how to go from theory to practice and unleash the full potential of new technologies, how autonomy comes in the place of the conventional automation, what instruments and platforms are available to create new generation apps and what practical results can be achieved with their help.
A couple of words about the event:
The interactive zone presented technology of the future that is available today. For instance, guests could “check in” to a hotel managed by AI and go through registration with the help of face recognition technology. They could open their hotel room door, play with in-room temperature and order services with the help of an amiable chat-bot and have food brought to them with the help of a “pacey” server-robot. The guests could also put VR-glasses with 3600 vision on and go to one of Oracle’s offices in England. They could also turn a simple cube into any planet of the solar system and literally have it on the palm of their hands with the help of an Augmented Reality application.
For the first time ever the working process of Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service, that had been released this summer, was presented. In another one of the 10 practical scenarios that were active in the interactive area guests were offered to “try out” the internet of things. While they were managing board races they saw for themselves that information from sensors was uploading to the analytical panel of Oracle Cloud in real time; with the help of the panel one can monitor the maximum and the average lap speed and many other numbers based on the latest data.
Oracle IMPACT gathered more than fifteen hundred people, a third of whom participated online.