(Русский) 415 кв.м.
(Русский) ПАО "Россети", АО "ГК "Таврида Электрик", Фирма "1С"
(Русский) г. Москва, ЦВК Экспоцентр, 20-23 октября 2015 года
Within the Rugrids-Electro forum we designed and built stands for three companies – PAO “Rosseti”, ZAO “GC “Tavrida Electric”, 1C.
For the first time, 15 subsidiaries were represented at one stand: 15 screens to broadcast information content, one large screen which displayed animated splash screens and information on transactions concluded within the business program. The stand became a new format for the customer company and gathered all the important information in one place.
The stand of Tavrida Electric with a total area of 98 sq.m. within the framework of the National Technological Initiative – EnergoNet, united more than 25 partner companies. At the special exposition, the concepts and working models of key technologies of the future architecture of EnergoNet markets were presented.
The exposition was designed and installed in such a way that each of the presented samples of equipment was connected to the power supply line and all of them interacted with each other.
It was a small, but functional and convenient stand for the software company.