(Русский) АНО «Организационный комитет «Россия-2018»
(Русский) Владимирская область, Международный спортивный форум «Россия – спортивная держава»
(Русский) 10 – 13 октября 2016
FIFA World Cup is getting closer every day, the decisions made today will significantly influence the course of its preparation. ANO Organizing Committee Russia-2018 observes all the important events in the world of sports and participates actively in them. That is why on the stand of the Organizing Committee at the Forum Russia – Country of Sports the fate of the symbol of the future main world football event was at stake!
The stand was made in the traditional corporate style of the Organizing Committee Russia-2018. Against a background of various symbols of Russia, people could see photos of the host cities of the 2018 World Cup matches. A separate sector was dedicated to photos of the teams that won in the previous years.
In the foreground, the forum visitors were presented with “candidates” for the role of a symbol of the World Cup – right on the stand everyone could vote for the best hero in their opinion. Audience Choice Award went to the wolf named Zabivaka!